Acupuncture is the best known branch of Chinese Medicine. One of the world’s oldest systems of medicine, acupuncture has been practiced for over 3,000 years. Acupuncture traditions are based on a unique knowledge of the body. Its theories are at once complex and elegant.
Acupuncture is the manipulation of Qi (pronounced “chee”), loosely translated as ‘energy’ in our bodies. Qi runs in very specific, interconnected pathways, much like the network of blood vessels.
Pain occurs when Qi becomes stuck in meridians. Acupuncture manipulates this stuck Qi to re-create a flow. By promoting a smooth flow of Qi in the channels, acupuncture can relieve back pain, headaches, sports injuries, repetitive strain issues, and numerous other types of pain. “Where there is free flow there is no pain” is an ancient Chinese adage.
Acupuncture often treats well those conditions that fall between the cracks of more conventional medicine. As early as 1979 the World Health Organization issued an extensive list of illnesses that may benefit from acupuncture.
Acupuncture is also exceptionally effective for stress-induced or stress-aggravated conditions. Acupuncture works on physical, emotional and mental levels to bring us back into balance.
According to the World Health Organization, acupuncture has been shown to be effective in treating many diseases and conditions, including:
• anxiety
• sinusitis
• common cold
• insomnia
• asthma
• headache
• toothache
• migraine
• various eye conditions
• Bell’s Palsy
• digestive disorders
• disc pain
• neuralgia
• menstrual difficulties
• muscle pain infertility (male and female)
• arthritis
• fibromyalgia
• low back pain
• essential hypertension
• sciatica
• drug withdrawal symptoms
The British Acupuncture Council provides the complete WHO list.
Call your acupuncturist to learn if acupuncture can help you.