for the whole family
Clinic Information

Mystic Wellness Center
2440 Gold Star Highway (Rte 184)
Mystic, CT 06355
Essential Skincare shares Mystic Wellness Center with us.
Ask about a custom combo. Combine the latest in skincare with Chinese herbs & acupuncture so you'll look and feel your best.
Year Of the Wood Snake!
Our Services
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Therapeutic Massage
Cupping & Guasha
Classes & Continuing Ed
And More...
Not sure if Chinese Medicine
can help?
Call to find out.
This month we've successfully treated
post-covid symptoms, migraine, anxiety, Lyme symptoms, menstrual cramps, low back pain, night sweats, post-surgery swelling & pain, stress, plantar fasciitis, gastric reflux, chemotherapy side effects, prepbirthing assistance
We offer Telehealth appointments.
Schedule today for a telehealth consultation or herbal checkup.
(Call if there are no openings online.)
New Patients
Download & Print Intake Forms Here
Please fill out prior to your first visit!
Medicare does not cover acupuncture for most diagnoses.
Confused about Acupuncture and Medicare? Check out this month's blog post for a YouTube video and free ebook explaining it all.
We are NOT Medicare Providers.